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My project_edited_edited_edited.png
On the opening night of “Romeo and Juliet”, our title actors begin to realize their desires to play each other's roles, and while still in love, they begin to clash.
Technical Specs
Runtime - 00:28:53
Aspect Ratio - 4:3 / 16:9
Production Format - Black Magic Pocket 4k Digital
Language - English

Boysenberry Night poster

The Directors


Sophie chevako (she/her)



favorite movie................................"lady Bird"


favorite song......."space song" by beach house

favorite animal.......................................tiger

favorite grandparents house

what i want to be

when I grow up.....................auteur filmmaker

height.......................................................5' 7"

eyes..............................................dark brown

hair...............................................dark brown


sun sign..................................................Aries

superpower I wish I had..............shapeshifting

hobbies.....................knitting, skating, coffee

"boysenberry night" is my story.  i brought on shalyn as co-writer and co-director to help me bring this story to fruition. This film genuinely expresses so much of my identity and i want to tell it because i think others will be able to relate.


Shalyn Delhaes (she/her)


favorite movie................................"I, Origins"

favorite food...........................................salt 

favorite song............"viva Colonia" by hohner

favorite animal...................................meerkat

favorite place..............................Venice, Italy

what i want to be

when I grow up........independent film director

height.............................................1.68 meters



sun sign...........................................Capricorn

superpower I wish I had...........slow down time, writing, thrifting

when I read the script it struck me as an interesting perspective on gender. i could definitely identify with the characters. this is a topic that is very underrepresented in the media, especially in film. i hadn't seen a story from this angle before and wanted to be a part of telling it.

Benny has always been a deep, tortured soul. Hyper-aware of his surroundings, he’s easily affected emotionally by whatever happens around him. He cares about people. He falls in love easily. He wants so badly to pursue his dreams as an artist. He works extremely hard but tends to fall victim to discouragement. He overthinks, gets his feelings hurt easily. His sensitivity is both beautiful and exhausting.

James cares a lot about the things she cares about, but couldn’t give a single fuck about the things she doesn’t. She keeps to herself but has a temper. She leads with her head, she’s logical. All she cares about is finding peace in life, something she enjoys. In relationships, she takes what she can get and never takes things personally. She doesn’t allow herself to overthink and just does what she thinks is best for the relationship, even if that means the communication falls through and she stays unconscious of Benny’s true feelings.

At this point, Benny is a man and identifies with parts of a masculine identity, but has unexplained urges towards a more feminine identity. And James is a woman, who identifies with parts of feminity, but has urges towards a more masculine identity. This doesn’t mean that they want to transition in gender, but they just want to explore the opposite expression. He feels gender envy for James in her role as Juliet, wearing angelic white lace and red lipstick. He is allured by that beauty in a way that he wants to be a part of it. She feels gender envy when seeing him as Romeo, wearing armor, chainmale, and carrying a sword. She is drawn to that strength and feeling masculine.


There is no label on our character’s gender or sexuality. They just exist and develop, unsure of who they are yet and trying to figure it out. Maybe, he simply wants to wear a dress and she simply wants to wear a suit of armor.


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